
Monday, April 27, 2015

Women at Workplace

This is what is lacking to make Women Succeed at workplace ? 

Source- http://cdn4.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/incoming/article30570067.ece/5c6ff/ALTERNATES/h342/women1_2.jpg

  1. Do companies exhibit Understanding and Sensitivity to the fact that needs & expectations  of women from a workplace are a bit different from men while aspirations & ambitions are common ? In what ways ?
  2. Why is it still a trade off – Familiy vs Career for Women ?
  3. Why cant Family and Careers go hand in hand for Women ?
  4.   Do we expect Women to be like Men when it comes to Leadership style ?
  5. What are companies doing to remove gender pay gap ?
  6. What are the programs put in place to advance women to leadership positions ?
  7. Why do we have just 4% of the Women as CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies ? Women don’t lack in inspiration, or aspiration.
  8. Why do women drop out of workforce the moment they choose to opt the family way ?
  9. Why to let them drop out of workforce and then design programs to bring her back ?
  10. How many companies are open to recruit women who took a career break for couple of years ?
  11. Why the likes of Apple, Facebook , Tech Giants are choosing to pay to Freeze their eggs instead of signaling that Parenting duties aren't a roadblock to advancement in Women’s Career ? What If these tech giants choose to spend $20K in providing child care facilities, right infrsstrucutre for Talented Women who want to become young Parent  and not delay Parenting until their 40s or 50s ?
  12. Do Women in organizations find adequate sponsorship for getting promotion, raises ?
  13. Why Women have to negotiate hard to get rewarded well for their efforts while their male counterparts hang with old boys club and get it easily ?
  14. Are their Women Networks for Career Advancement of Women ?
  15. Why is there 100% decline from Middle to Top Management positions occupied by Women ?
  16. Why the plum assignments go to Men while Women slog their way up the Corporate Ladder ?
  17. Why is there more Rhetoric than actual action on the ground to advance Women agenda ?
  18. When would Corporate pay their due to Women ? What are they waiting for ?
  19. Is the share of Women's voice across various levels in corporate hierarchy adequately heard ,represented, insights acted upon  ?
  20. When will Corporates be unbiased, reflective , sensitive towards needs of Women & do enough to advance Women’s agenda and make it a level playing field  ?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruchi

    Very powerful questions, however you need to look at the other side, often ignored the lighter side of the story

    Read the question - then the answer- thats the best part, if you read only the response you may not learn anything new :)

    1. yes they do, thats why they build two separate restrooms
    2. cos family comes first
    3. bcos theres a crying baby in one hand so she can only hold either family or career with the baby
    4. not at all, they must compliment each other, she can exercise her powers on the poor husband at home only
    5. RBI has not yet approved any other face on the Indian currency, till then the Gender Gap will exist
    6. get them married ;) and let them lead at home
    7. oh 4% that means men are slipping, we need to go to SPCMIJ (society for preventing cruelty to men in jobs)
    8. refer 3
    9. create a pseudo demand supply gap
    10. many provided they take a.cut in salary or title or both
    11. cos they think freezing eggs is as close to being cool they can ever get ��
    12. no one gets aponaorship, i ve been running for an evwmt sposnsorship and they ask whats in it for me?
    13. bcos women cannot hangout together , if they do it may close all malls and shopping stores
    14. The space is already crowded, one more network and our 3G data will fall drastically
    15. cos after marriage it get heavier at the bottom due to lack of exercise and eating lot of food
    16. women hate plum, if were pink strawberries probably they would have loved it
    17. by the time I understand this question read answer 3
    18. on separation all dues will be cleared. they are waiting for the clearance forms
    19. refer 17
    20. when it is 10 a side football the playing field will be levelled

    no women were harmed during the writing of these answers.

    PS its for pure fun, no offence pls.


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