
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Invited as Speaker for Panel Discussion on Women @ Workplace #IndiaHRLive


Wait!! Women are at work…
Now have you ever heard this?
Answer is obvious, women have always been working however now they are omnipresent and work has new dimensions altogether. Still this doesn’t mean that the journey has been a cake walk. As much as the multi-talented , multifaceted fairer sex juggles between personal and professional front to walk as much as a mam would, they still encounter resistance and hurdles at various stage. So to discuss the depth of the subject we thought of bringing this topic of ‘Career progression for Women at Work’ at Indiahrlive and welcome some fresh and intriguing thoughts of our esteemed panelists here.
Here are some thoughts that we will cover:
Q1. Most of the women drop their career for family reasons but is there more to do than this?  
Q2. Still in India the top circle remains male dominant. We don’t let women rise or women don’t want to rise?  
Q3. Gender diversity!! Is it a practice or a thought? Is it a choice or compulsion?  
Q4. Is the journey for Women Entrepreneurs different than men? Do women lead initiatives get more mileage?  
Q5. What are the common challenges women at large go through at work? What could be the best way to progress northwards in your career?
Join us while we share the platform with successful Women Leaders to discuss ‘Women at Work – Gender Diversity ‘ on April 21st, Tuesday at 8pm IST / 9.30 am CST /10.30 am EST. 
Watch the show here & Tweet your comments/questions with a hashtag #IndiaHRLIVE to join the conversation with our #IndiaHRLIVE ambassadors

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