
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter to Mentee 2.0

My Dear Mentee 2.0 ,

It was such a delightful moment when you chose me as a mentor. Instantly, i was in a new role and felt elevated . This is the hallmark of great people. They make other people feel great. In all its entirety, mentoring is so far one of the most humbling experience. One learns as much as a mentor just like a mentee. There is something special about this Mentor- Mentee relationship. Both explore together that new possibilities exist or can be created together.
You are doing the right stuff. Keep inspiring people for adopting Social Software . Keep collecting stories. You will be on your way to write a book too. Build your original thoughts. Start with blog/ journal. Think beyond what is available. How connected Leadership benefits individual & organization as a whole. Learn more about folksonomies, What impact organization E2.0 capabilities has on bottom line or top line ? Does it contribute to engagement factor in an organization ? Start exploring for your research . How E2.0 effects organizational behavior ? Observe and experience. In my experience, E20 is a moving target, keep setting new goals for yourself and simply share, interested folks will tag along with you & collaborate to accelerate the change.

Last but not least, Use your imagination for imagination is more powerful than knowledge.

Yours truly !!!

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