
Monday, January 23, 2012

Learning Organization

Peter Senge must be very happy with the growth and proliferation of Social Media and social networking platforms. After all , the gentleman pioneered the concept of Learning Organization decades back in 1994

Let me take this concept of Learning organization to next level.

To my mind, in future the word organization would be replaced by word "Networks ".Let me highlight Key characteristics of Learning networks

1. Mashup of people with diverse skills, experience, competencies and capabilities
2. Woven into a matrix to solve key business issues / challenges on real time basis.
3. Real time Flow of information & valuable content embedded in context.
4. Co creating and consuming value together to achieve aligned business goals and objectives
5. Enabling participation and contribution and transparency on solid foundation of systems thinking.
6. Powered by Analytics for meaningful callouts, opportunity areas, insights to make it an iterative process.

1 comment:

  1. I realize how much limited my knowledge is , I am sincere follower of David Gurteen ( KM guru ) , he tweeted quote by Peter Senge today
    Learning is all about connections, and through our connections with unique people we are able to gain a true understanding of the world around us.
    ~ Peter Senge MIT-based author, researcher & educator

    Peter Senge has discovered years before what some of us are discovering now. :)
    So, my above blogpost remains a testimony of my own ignorance and learning discovery.


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