
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Digital Thoughts !

1. No man ever listened himself out of a job. As a step 1, participate in Social Computing as an active listener .

2. Start small , move some of your work activities which require maximum collaboration to online social spaces.

3. Build digital eminence.

4. Invest time first and derive value later.Like real world relationships, in any social networking platform , it takes time to build online relationships.Be genuine, be caring. Start with how you can contribute to your network .Grow your network through influence.

5. Share your expertise, experience and insights and learn from your Social network .

6. Social Computing is by design a Q2 activity. ( Not urgent but important activity ) , refer to Stephen Covey time management matrix. Effective people like to spend time in Q2 quadrant, which is the quadrant of effectiveness.

7. Begin with end in mind. Stay focused on your goals. Collaborate and Socially network for a reason.

8. Digital eminence is the currency you build today to en cash in future.

9. Remember KISS formula. Keep it simple , stupid. Don't spread yourself too thin trying to be omnipresent on all social networks. Plan what works for you.

10. Wish everyone in my present and future network a Happy Social Computing journey ! Stay networked , Stay Happy !

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