Hello All ! Please welcome Ruchi Bhatia .
Ruchi Bhatia is IIM-C Alumni and India Country Lead for IBM Recruitment Branding .She has over 16 years of professional work experience across Sales, Operations, OD, Corporate Training, HR , Learning Consulting, WorkForce Partnering, and as Professional Development Leader . She is a Feminist, honored as Top 50 Women to follow in Asia, as Top 10 Sheroes in India ,Sheroes Mentor and Top 100 HR Influencers in India & Worldwide. She is on Advisory Board Member to DMA Asia and Founder of HRGurukul. ( A Learning platform for HR Professionals ) . She loves to read, write and is fond of trekking / travel. She can be contacted via twitter @rucsb
Rakshita Dwivedi Lovely..Ruchi Bhatia is master of this art!
Ruchi Bhatia Thank you Shruti for a warm welcome .Happy to be here.
Anjali Gulati Hi Ruchi Bhatia! Thank you for coming on to the platform! Am sure we'll all benefit from your vast experience.
Ruchi Bhatia Rakshita Dwivedi - Very Kind of you :-)
Shruti Mahajan Singh its a 30 Minute chat , coming up with Q1
Shruti Mahajan Singh Hello Ruchi Bhatia, welcome !
Ruchi Bhatia Thank you Anjali Gulati and team for inviting me !
Shruti Sethi Basu hi Ruchi....looking forward to the conversation
Sanskriti Singh Q1. How do i increase the likes of my page Ruchi Bhatia #backToTheFront
Sanskriti Singh sorry for being upfront i have no clue how this work
Rashmi Hedaoo Mudholkar Q2. Is socila Media recruitling all about Linkedin only? #Backtothefront
Ruchi Bhatia A1 . It realy depends upon what the individual is trying to achieve, what his/ her goals are.
Shruti Mahajan Singh Please tag Ruchi Bhatia in all questions
Ruchi Bhatia A1. I would recommend having presence on 3 key platforms ie Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook for optimal social media utilization
Shruti Mahajan Singh Linkedin , Twitter and FB must for all #BackToTheFront thx Ruchi Bhatia

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Shreeti Gore Harmalkar Q3 How do we enhance or showcase our profiles for social recruiters ? Ruchi Bhatia #BackToTheFront
Ruchi Bhatia My blogpost on How to increase Facebook likes through Content Marketing http://hrgurukul.blogspot.in/.../challenge-goal-to-grow...
& Goal - To grow Facebook Followers and increase candidate
engagement with IBM India Careers Page on Facebook IBM In...
Rakshita Dwivedi Thanks. This is helpful

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Ranu Lalchandani Q4: Does our social media platform and views impact hiring decision of an organization Ruchi Bhatia #BackToTheFront
Rashmi Hedaoo Mudholkar Q4 What do social media recruiters look for and how can your profile stand out amongst the crowd?@Ruchi Bhatia#Backtothefront
Samata Bhor Q5. What ways can freshers enhance their social media sites to attract recruiters? Ruchi Bhatia #BacktotheFront
Shruti Sethi Basu Q6: How does one ensure that one maintains the tricky line between personal and professional space on social media ?@Ruchi Bhatia #Backtothefront
Samiksha Goel Kamboj Q7 Does people from any specific sector get more benefit from social media recruitment@ Ruchi Bhatia
Surabhi Sablok Kathuria Q 6 How to integrate social media into recruitment strategy?
Ruchi Bhatia Read my article - How IBM Recruitment has adopted Social media http://www.social-hire.stfi.re/.../how-recruitment-is...
Kavita Shah Q8
I would like to know which industries have majorly hired with the help
of social media or roles that get screened through social media?#backtothefront Ruchi Bhatia
Mahak Kaura Q9
How can job seekers protect their privacy while still making it easy
for potential employers or good contacts to connect with them?@ Ruchi Bhatia #Backtothefront
Ankita Singh Q:8 What kind of interface should be used while interacting through the social media, formal or a little colloquial?
Ruchi Bhatia #Backtothefront
Ruchi Bhatia #Backtothefront
Farzeen Rachit Kochhar Q8.
Is social media recruitment faster than conventional recruitment
mediums because it will not have all information as present on a
candidate's resume? @ Ruchi Bhatia # Back to the Front
Anshu Das Q9 what are best ways to exploit social media networking sites for getting job information??@ Ruchi Bhatia # back to front
Mahak Kaura Q10
How can someone who has been out of the workplace for a while start
using social media credibly so that she/he will appear attractive to
employer.@ Ruchi Bhatia# Back to the Front
Kavita Shah I
would like to know which industries have majorly hired with the help of
social media or roles that get screened through social media?#BACKTOTHEFRONT Ruchi Bhatia
Aakanksha Gupta Q10. Apart from LinkedIn, which other platform would you recommend to connect with Social Media recruiters? Richie Ruchi Bhatia # Backtothefront
Anupama Kapoor Dear Ruchi Bhatia, why do you think women make such a small proportion of profiles on LinkedIn? :-)
Anshu Das Q
11 How to make yourself more active and visible in social media sites /
groups, by which you as a candidate looking for job or as a recruiter
looking for candidates can extract more via this tool. Ruchi Bhatia# Back to front?
Disha Vimish Raigagla Hi we are a gifting enterprise. Would like to know how can we ensure maximum reach on various fb groups? Ruchi Bhatia #Backtothefront
Ruchi Bhatia It
is time intensive activity. You need a person with good PR skills who
can invest time building relations with potential clients
Farzeen Rachit Kochhar Q12
If as a candidate I am reaching out to multiple social media recruiters
for jobs, what impression does it create about me? @ Ruchi Bhatia #
Back to the Front
Ruchi Bhatia It
is ok . You are a job seeker. you will reach out to many employers to
find the right fit. Ditto for recruiters. They screen many candidates
before finalizing the right one .
Anjali Gulati Exactly, everyone explores options!

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Shruti Mahajan Singh We are closing the Chat Now.
Thankyou Ruchi Bhatia for joining in and helping us understand #SocialMedia better. Also a big thankyou to all our audiences who participated ! #BackToTheFront
Thankyou Ruchi Bhatia for joining in and helping us understand #SocialMedia better. Also a big thankyou to all our audiences who participated ! #BackToTheFront
Anshu Das Q14
Does Social Media hiring has any inverse relation with cost per hire
for organisation propagating hiring their social Media? Ruchi Bhatia# Back to front
Farzeen Rachit Kochhar Thank you @ Ruchi Bhatia for your prompt responses and guidance
Ruchi Bhatia You are welcome Farzeen Rachit Kochhar .
Twinkle Bhayana Lovely and very valuable inputs you have given Ruchi Bhatia thank you
Ruchi Bhatia Thank you. Great questions, Lovely audience . Loved interacting with All :-)

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Bhavini N Khatri Hi
Ruchi. Its an honour to be connected with someone so well known in the
Talent fraternity. What would you be your advise , take, experience and
opinion to and for Recruiters and Recruitment Leads who handle senior
level roles. Job change or skill, Relevant exp or gud pedigree and so on
should be the criteria while screening, selecting and recruiting.
Request your perspective. Regards Bhavini Khatri.
Ruchi Bhatia Bhavini
N Khatri Thank you for your kind words. For senior roles, other than
assessing for basic hygeine factors , assess for Cultural Fit. If the
senior person is not a culture fit, no matter how talented he / she is ,
will not be able to perform in your organization. I would recommend you
to read a book - Dont Hire the Best by Abhjit Bhaduri to learn more. Anjali Gulati
Bhavini N Khatri Its
subjective to define cultural fit with limited interaction with
prospective candidates.I will surely read the book recommended.
Appreciate your revert. Regards Bhavini

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Janani Narasimhamurthy Hi Ruchi Bhatia! Glad to have such a highly knowledgeable and successful person here with us. I would like to do an MBA full time. I am 31 now and have a four year old . Is it really possible to aspire for an MBA at this level? I have two years work experience from an IT company? I prefer an MBA in HR. What are the best colleges in south?. Thanks for your time.
Ruchi Bhatia Janani Narasimhamurthy Very kind of you to say that. I am happy to learn that you are aspiring to do MBA. MBA is really valuable experience that offers lifetime value. Age does not matter. What you need is support from your family. If you have someone ...See More
Ruchi Bhatia Apply for this scholarship to study HR http://www.payscale.com/.../payscales-future-work... Janani Narasimhamurthy
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