British Airways is back with another Heartwarming
Campaign. #FuelledbyLove
I think travelers can relate to the sentiments expressed
in the video . The video is beautifully done and has an emotional appeal.
British Airways, often shortened to BA, is the
carrier airline of the United
Kingdom and the largest airline in the United
Kingdom .
British Airways knows
India and has customised its product and service to suit the Indian customers. British
Airways strikes a chord with this heartwarming video. Fuelled by love, British
Airways knows India and has customised its product and service to suit the
Indian customers. British Airways has been flying to India for over 90 years
and currently operates 49 flights a week from London Heathrow to five cities –
New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
You can feel love throughout the video. AirHostess who is
initially hesitant to fly on India flights. She meets an Old Indian South
Indian lady on the flight. She is seen as a caretaker who takes care of little
things,she helps the lady to put her socks on, helps her fasten her seat belt
when she saw her struggling with seat belt.
At night, lady is literally in tears as she misses her son
back in UK, airhostess comforts her by chatting with her and puts on a movie. She goes on to delight Indian customers so
much so that she gets an invite by an old Indian lady to visit her home in
India. She experiences Indian culture
through music, food, dance , meets and greets family members - small joys of
Life . In the end she gets a hand embroidered handkerchief with her name on it.
That touches her deeply and she hugs the old lady.
Many a times in Life we meet kindered souls who by their
presence make our journey look a little less tiresome.
Everything that impacts us deeply in our lives is #FuelledbyLove
What do you think of the video #FuelledbyLove

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