
Monday, January 18, 2016

Honored to serve HR COE , DMA Asia as Advisory Board Member


Pleased to share that I am Honored and Got Invite to serve ‪#‎HR‬ COE of DMA Asia as Advisory Board Member . Role would be to Advise, Connect & Serve HR Community. I am invited as Speaker and would be speaking to an audience of CHROS and HR managers next month on Attracting, Engaging and Retaining a New Generation of Workers.

As an apex, not for profit DMAasia ( aka DMAi), since 1992, brings about collective action for advancing & protecting responsible Data Driven Marketing and Advertising. As the key to making marketing relevant and provide sustained customer engagement DMAi advocates for creating industry standards for ethical conduct and effective self-regulation of the Data driven, Marketing & Advertising community. DMAasia is also co-founder of the International Federation of DMA’s and global alliance of DMA's.
The DMAasia, in recent times, has successfully conducted four annual global conventions drawing participation from over 125 corporations from India & afar.

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