This is what is lacking to make Women Succeed at workplace ?
- Do companies exhibit Understanding and Sensitivity to the fact that needs & expectations of women from a workplace are a bit different from men while aspirations & ambitions are common ? In what ways ?
- Why is it still a trade off – Familiy vs Career for Women ?
- Why cant Family and Careers go hand in hand for Women ?
- Do we expect Women to be like Men when it comes to Leadership style ?
- What are companies doing to remove gender pay gap ?
- What are the programs put in place to advance women to leadership positions ?
- Why do we have just 4% of the Women as CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies ? Women don’t lack in inspiration, or aspiration.
- Why do women drop out of workforce the moment they choose to opt the family way ?
- Why to let them drop out of workforce and then design programs to bring her back ?
- How many companies are open to recruit women who took a career break for couple of years ?
- Why the likes of Apple, Facebook , Tech Giants are choosing to pay to Freeze their eggs instead of signaling that Parenting duties aren't a roadblock to advancement in Women’s Career ? What If these tech giants choose to spend $20K in providing child care facilities, right infrsstrucutre for Talented Women who want to become young Parent and not delay Parenting until their 40s or 50s ?
- Do Women in organizations find adequate sponsorship for getting promotion, raises ?
- Why Women have to negotiate hard to get rewarded well for their efforts while their male counterparts hang with old boys club and get it easily ?
- Are their Women Networks for Career Advancement of Women ?
- Why is there 100% decline from Middle to Top Management positions occupied by Women ?
- Why the plum assignments go to Men while Women slog their way up the Corporate Ladder ?
- Why is there more Rhetoric than actual action on the ground to advance Women agenda ?
- When would Corporate pay their due to Women ? What are they waiting for ?
- Is the share of Women's voice across various levels in corporate hierarchy adequately heard ,represented, insights acted upon ?
- When will Corporates be unbiased, reflective , sensitive towards needs of Women & do enough to advance Women’s agenda and make it a level playing field ?