
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Program for Online Teaching POTCERT11

Hello Friends, I am Ruchi, a HR consultant from India. More about me Twitter @rucsb
Wow. Just as i expected the program to be, I am very very happy and excited to be part of this wonderful , online, open program. I Thank Lisa M Lane and Jim Sullivan extensively for this wonderful initiative. I hope to make many friends, meet plenty of brilliant minds , educators, teachers, students, via this program . I am here to learn. And i intend to Learn as much about pedagogy as about technology. I have spent last 2 years and a half learning about Web 2.0 , emerging technologies , Social software platforms ,user generated content and as i learn more about it, i think there is no stoppage to it. I consider myself an early adopter of technology. Technology , which i can comprehend eg Web 2.0 ;-), excites me. Enrolling into this program is a deliberate attempt to learn as well as internalize to put pedagogy before technology.

I already have a blog , so i would post relevant posts with potcert11 tag.
I have setup DIGGO account for keeping track of bookmarks.
I have setup a separate Face book account for making friends with participants of this program.
I have purchased book online. "Teaching Online by Susan Ko and Steve Rosensen"
I have started aggregating content via RSS Google Reader .
My PLE for this program mainly consist of

1. POT on Facebook

2. Pedagogy First Blog

3. Diggo MCCPOT

As i was going through the introductory blogposts from other participants of this program , my confidence is just doubled that together we will Rock and make this program a success. Cheers to all of us !


  1. Hi Ruth - looking forward to hearing about your experiences. :)

  2. Ruchi - I am so sorry to get your name wrong! not sure what happened there! the fingers overrode the brain -

  3. Wonderful first post! You seem to be very organized. I look forward to learning with you!

  4. Hi Ruchi ~ you are going to keep up energized


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