
Monday, January 13, 2020

Could Womenomics save India Economy ?

I have been inflenced by Stephen Covey 7 habits of highly effective people all through my Life. I read that book when I was 20 . Like the old love which keeps returning to your life again and again, 7 Habits kept returning to my life again and again. 

When I joined in Corporate Trainer role at IBM in 2008 , I got an opportunity to attend 7 Habits workshop by one of the Best Facilitator we had around at that time . Stephen Covey was common between her & me . And I knew the habits by heart compared to managers who had already undergone the program. This perhaps impressed her. 

Few years later, I was given the opportunity to attend TTT Train the Trainer on 7 Habits to facilitate workshops for Managers in my Organisation. 

Now coming back to how we can ensure supply of more Women Leaders in the society and organizations. 

I am a Gender Equality Ambassador and believe, Women must occupy their rightful place in the world and balance the world more in economic terms. 

So what is Womenomics ? 

 "Womenomics"—the promotion of economic empowerment for women. The term was first coined by Japanese Prime Minister to make sure Women in Japan turn some of their dreams into reality. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has deployed several initiatives to get women in the workforce. Women are achieving their full potential , giving back to their communities, and taking their lives in new Direction. 

Lets focus on India and analyse what is happening here. Female Labor Participation in India is on constant decline from last years. What ? Yes, Female Labor Participation is on decline in India desire rising levels of Education amongst Women. 

The female labour force participation in India has fallen to 26% in 2018 from 36.7% in 2005, amid lack of access to quality education and underlying social, economic barriers limiting the opportunities for women, says a Deloitte report. 

What are the reasons for decline of FLP in India ? 
What can bring upward trend in FLP ? 
Why despite much talk on Gender Diversity, female labor participation is going down ? 

India can become a $5 trillion economy if our Prime Minister comes up with Womenomics - Strategy to ensure Women Labor participation goes up both in informal labor as well as organised labor. 

P.S - I am Ruchi, Founder of HRGurukul. And I help businesses achieve profits and productivity gains by being a Trusted Business Advisor and integrating People, Process, Technology. 

I offer training workshop "People to Profits " for  managers and employees of Startups and SMEs . In case , you would like a 30 min free consultation call, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

My coordinates - 
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchibhatia23/ 


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