
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Rise of Social Business

1. Social business in numbers

2. It is the People who create Value for your Business and Clients .

3. Social business is a powerful force of change in culture and
behavior that is transforming the way enterprises work to better
capitalize on our most valuable resource: people

4. 36% better customer service reported by companies using Social Tools
ESG Research Report, Social Enterprise Adoption Trends, June 2012

5. In the next 5 years, 57% CEOs expect digital channels to be the key way to engage customers.
IBM Global CEO Study May 2012

6. 65% of Executives use Social Business tools to understand market shifts
IBM Global C-Suite Study October 2013

7. 70% of Executives believe Social Business can fundamentally change the way business works
MIT Sloan Management Review,
Social Business Study: Shifting Out of First Gear,
David Kiron and others,  July 16, 2013.

8. The rise of mobile technology: With almost 75 percent of the worlds population owning a mobile device, information is not only accessible, but available at our fingertips.

9. According to a study done by Salary.com, 72 percent of candidates are using social connection tools to scour jobs.

10. 10 skills for the Future Workforce ( Marcia Conner)

11.  Twitter search  #IBMSWchat  for links & further resources on Smarter Workforce = Future Ready Workforce for Digital Era

12. In the USA right now there are over 3 million unfilled jobs, while in countries like Spain, youth unemployment stands at a jaw dropping 47%. The extent of the gap between what employers need and what the labour market provides in terms of skills and talents seems to be continuously widening.

13. The global skill gap is here to stay for as long as technological advances, globalisation and demography continue to redefine work

14. Executives at Wipro, for example, work with tens of thousands of colleges across India to train teachers to develop IT skills, build state-of-the-art curricula, and encourage students to become what they term work-ready

15. 10 ways to Future Proof your Career by Dr Lynda Gratton
This is 2011 article, however still relevant, for individual employees / professionals to prepare themselves for Future
 ( Timeless wisdom by Dr Lynda Gratton )


15. Andrew McAfee  Social Technology as major Disruption to Global Economy


16. IMHO, Future Ready Workforce will constitute Individuals who are LifeLongLearners, who have the ability to learn, unlearn, relearn and reinvent themselves. Who are agile, and make  investment in self education and acquiring new skills.

Future ready workforce also mean networked and collaborative workforce. They know how to collaborate, create trust in virtual environment, reach out to experts across borders and locate expertise quickly at the tip of fingertips to create value for clients. 

Future ready workforce means individual employees may not have all the answers to client problems however have the skills to find the answers and reach out to experts.
Who knows what and who knows whom becomes utmost important , hence the value of networks.

Future ready workforce know how to manage work in a borderless economy.

17. Digitisation is a step change even greater than  the internet. Exponential technology advances, greater consumer power and increased competition mean all industries face the threat

of commoditisation. The winners will act now, and build a strategic advantage that leaves

their counterparts wondering what happened.

18. According to Ernst & Young research, other Generation Y

expectations include:

► Collaborative, networked learning: the average user spends

55 minutes a day on Facebook

► Fast, easy and fun communication: Generation Y adults

spend 15+ hours a week on the internet

► Visible peer recommendations in decision-making: 80% of

consumers believe peer recommendations, but only 14%

trust advertisements

► Immediate feedback: 34% of bloggers post opinions about

products and brands

► Environmentally aware: 96% of Generation Y want an

environmentally aware workplace

► Flexibility: 56% of Generation Y prefer to work flexibly and

choose when to work, and 79% prefer to be mobile rather

than static workers

19. Digital Business Model Creator/inventor Year of birth

Facebook  social networking Mark Zuckerberg 1984

Napster  peer to peer file sharing Sean Parker 1979

Spotify  digital music streaming Daniel Ek 1983

Skype  VOIP telephone network Janus Friis 1976

Twitter  microblogging social network Jack Dorsey 1976

20. The Rise of the Prosumer ( E&Y research)

A Prosumer is a term used for a consumer who is unusually interested in products/

services of a brand. Prosumers will dedicate their spare time to upload reviews and

comments and respond to other reviews and comments about the product. Some

prosumers will record YouTube videos to help other users with technical service

issues of a particular product. These individuals can be very useful sources of product

development ideas, or can be incentivised as a low cost provider of technical service to

other consumers.

21. The digitisation of everything How organisations must adapt to changing consumer behaviour (E&Y Research)


► Improve customer experience

► Increase marketing, sales and service effectiveness

► Develop multi-channel strategy

Suppliers and partners

► Improve transaction speeds, lower costs

► Optimise the end-to-end digital supply chain process

► Improve supplier relationship management

► Optimise sales and operations planning


► Manage organisational change

► Develop social policies and governance

► Develop digital skills and capabilities

► Manage recruitment, retention and talent


► Develop a digital strategy

► Assess market and competition

► Design operating model and organisational structure

Monday, January 13, 2020

Could Womenomics save India Economy ?

I have been inflenced by Stephen Covey 7 habits of highly effective people all through my Life. I read that book when I was 20 . Like the old love which keeps returning to your life again and again, 7 Habits kept returning to my life again and again. 

When I joined in Corporate Trainer role at IBM in 2008 , I got an opportunity to attend 7 Habits workshop by one of the Best Facilitator we had around at that time . Stephen Covey was common between her & me . And I knew the habits by heart compared to managers who had already undergone the program. This perhaps impressed her. 

Few years later, I was given the opportunity to attend TTT Train the Trainer on 7 Habits to facilitate workshops for Managers in my Organisation. 

Now coming back to how we can ensure supply of more Women Leaders in the society and organizations. 

I am a Gender Equality Ambassador and believe, Women must occupy their rightful place in the world and balance the world more in economic terms. 

So what is Womenomics ? 

 "Womenomics"—the promotion of economic empowerment for women. The term was first coined by Japanese Prime Minister to make sure Women in Japan turn some of their dreams into reality. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has deployed several initiatives to get women in the workforce. Women are achieving their full potential , giving back to their communities, and taking their lives in new Direction. 

Lets focus on India and analyse what is happening here. Female Labor Participation in India is on constant decline from last years. What ? Yes, Female Labor Participation is on decline in India desire rising levels of Education amongst Women. 

The female labour force participation in India has fallen to 26% in 2018 from 36.7% in 2005, amid lack of access to quality education and underlying social, economic barriers limiting the opportunities for women, says a Deloitte report. 

What are the reasons for decline of FLP in India ? 
What can bring upward trend in FLP ? 
Why despite much talk on Gender Diversity, female labor participation is going down ? 

India can become a $5 trillion economy if our Prime Minister comes up with Womenomics - Strategy to ensure Women Labor participation goes up both in informal labor as well as organised labor. 

P.S - I am Ruchi, Founder of HRGurukul. And I help businesses achieve profits and productivity gains by being a Trusted Business Advisor and integrating People, Process, Technology. 

I offer training workshop "People to Profits " for  managers and employees of Startups and SMEs . In case , you would like a 30 min free consultation call, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

My coordinates - 
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchibhatia23/ 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The art and science of Recruitment

Indeed Report on The Art and Science of Recruitment 

P.S - I am Ruchi, Founder of HRGurukul. And I help businesses achieve profits and productivity gains by being a Trusted Business Advisor and integrating People, Process, Technology. 

I offer training workshop "People to Profits " for  managers and employees of Startups and SMEs . In case , you would like a 30 min free consultation call, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

My coordinates - 
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchibhatia23/ 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What is your strategy for Candidate Attraction and Hiring Talent ?

I met a Startup CEO few months ago and she agreed that most pressing challenge for her startup at high growth phase is finding and hiring the right people. Rightly so. 

People can make or break an organization. 

Then she asked - What do you do in Employer Branding ? 

Employer Branding is distinct from Recruitment Marketing. More often than not we use both these terms inter exchangeably. 
Employer Branding can’t be one person responsibility in an organization. So no one person owns Employer Brand. Employer Brand is how employer & employees communicate your Employer Value Proposition to the prospective candidates. 

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is the core of your employer brand that defines its positioning and strategic direction. An effective Employer Value Proposition should reflect the external demands, your competition, the internal reality and the strategic context of your company - Universum 

Employer Branding involves aspect of HR & Marketing and Communications  . Culture which is the key and binds different themes all together. 

Recruitment Marketing is all about candidate attraction and making your employer look good on social media . Now can you make your employer look good on glass door if managers treat your employees poorly ? Od course , No ! Thats where employer branding comes in . 

Employer Branding is about authentic storytelling. There could be as many platforms which employer can choose to leverage to indulge in storytelling. 

When employers go and do campus hiring, that’s when they are doing storytelling to tell stories about their brand and why a IIM Candidate should join their organisation compared to its competitor. 

Hiring for culture fit is of paramount importance because hiring for culture fit is a trend. Hiring for culture add is yet to be taken off, though some large and progressive companies who believe in value of diversity hire for culture add as well . 

Do you have a distinct EVP which separates you from rest of competition ? 

Are your hiring managers aligned to EVP ? 

EVP is like product which recruiters and hiring managers sell to prospective candidates . 

Is your hiring process free of conscious biases ? 
Is your hiring process timely ? 
Is offer to onboard ratio high ? 
What about Cost per hire ? Is it too high ? 

If not , then you might need to hire the services of Employer Branding Consultant to look at Hiring processes effectively , get the audit done, Coach your  recruitment teams and come up with better hiring strategies . 

if you are in charge of HR , Marketing, CEO of a Startup or SME, Should you need to get on a 30 min free Consultation call , please feel free to drop in a  mail to ruchibhatia23@gmail.com  or contact on twitter https://twitter.com/EmpBrandIndia.

My LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchibhatia23/

Look at the services offered by HRGurukul 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Existential Crisis

Existential Crisis . How old are you ? 
Yes I Suffer from Existential Crisis at the age of 40. 

According to wikipedia 

"Existential crises are moments when individuals question whether their lives have meaning, purpose, or value. It may be commonly, but not necessarily, tied to depression or inevitably negative speculations on purpose in life (e.g., "if one day I will be forgotten, what is the point of all of my work?"

So, do you suffer from Depression ? 

Yes I do . And I am on medication from last several years. 

I was on vacation at one of the most beautiful places on earth , in India, ie Kerala last month. I had a beach view facing room and all the beauty in the world didn’t have any effect on me . I was lying on my bed numb  , unable to read books that I had piled up to read during vacation. I was invited as Speaker to be on a panel by NHRD  ( HR body ) which I declined . My confidence was at an all time low.  This is sometimes how depression manifests itself. 

I have a dream life , I choose to do meaningful work  with people I enjoy working with,  mentor IIT & IIM Students, young women, do Public speaking on HR, Digital, Gender Equality - a cause close to my heart,  Travel to offbeat destinations, have loving family and friends who care , yet here I was lying numb , struggling to breathe, questioning the purpose of my existence and thinking what difference does it make even when “ I have it all “ 

After much contemplation, I decided to reach out  and seek help from a friend who is a psychologist and counsellor. 
I shared my ordeal with her. I was having an anxiety attack.  She calmed me down and shared few practical tips to manage Anxiety attack. 

Why I am sharing all of this with Community  ? Because after living for couple of years with guilt and shame of having #MentalIllness , I decided somethings gotta change. Our Society is opening up and there shouldn’t be any  stigma  related to #MentalHealth. Even Bollywood is making movies on the topic ( even though crappy movies like  JudgementalHaiKya which fail to educate or entertain both  ) , I would rather Watch The Beautiful Mind to get educated how Mental Heath affects lives of people. 

 #MentalHealthAwareness is a topic I lend my voice to because it is a topic which strikes reality closer home. If you are suffering in isloation, please dont. Unmute yourself, speak up, seek help. Fortis Healthcare has a 24 by 4 helpline for people in distress. There is app and chatbot that can offer initial help to people in distress called Wysa buddy. 

Dont be judgemental about people who suffer from #mentalhealth issues. They are people like you and me and sometimes have a bit too much on their plate. 

Lets be kind, offer empathy, hugs to each other . For everyone you know might be fighting a battle you know nothing about. 

Let the world heal one hug, one smile at a time. Amen ! 

India Story in last decade

 The "India Story" of the last decade is marked by significant political, economic, and social developments that have shaped the n...