
Sunday, January 7, 2018

HR must focus on Hi - Touch in the age of Hi- Tech world

We live in world where technology is omni present. In this era of hi-tech world, Hi- Touch becomes most important. Those organizations, departments, teams, individuals stand out who provide Hi Touch experience to their employees. 

HR is undergoing through transformation .Almost every industry and every sector is disrupted by Digital Technologies. Cognitive Computing, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data , Analytics are not just buzz words but real technologies which are shaping businesses. Almost every company has a department which is charged with the responsibility of Digital Transformation. That means newer technologies are making  way into the organizations across departments . HR is not left behind either . There are apps for well being, reward and recognition, performance management, feedback, learning, social referrals, recruitment . Almost every function of HR leverages technologies to provide Hi Touch experience to employees. Employee engagement is still an issue which costs companies across the globe several billion dollars. 
 Companies are mindful that this shift is not just about technological advancements but as much about organisational cultural change which means providing better employee experience. 

The focus from organization perspective is on better experience to Customers, Clients, Candidates who want to join the organization and to existing employees. In the times we live in, millennials have become majority of the workforce. They grew up with technology. Mobile and Social impact the experiences . Millennials receive news about the world through apps. We live in the age of 24 by 7 connectivity.  Work happens round the clock. In globally integrated enterprises, you often work with teams who are spread across geographies. There is pervasive use of Videoconferencing, Virtual collaboration tools across the organisation. 
So, in the age of Hi Tech world, it is time again to bring back humanity into HR. 

Designing a hi tech yet hi touch employee experience is the challenge in front of HR Professionals 

Those organisations and Leaders will succeed which will crack the code of Hi Touch employee experience and make employees feel valued at workplace. 

1 comment:

  1. This is true and as the world is heading towards modernization , we should focus on the future strategies of HR


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