
Monday, January 18, 2016

Honored to serve HR COE , DMA Asia as Advisory Board Member


Pleased to share that I am Honored and Got Invite to serve ‪#‎HR‬ COE of DMA Asia as Advisory Board Member . Role would be to Advise, Connect & Serve HR Community. I am invited as Speaker and would be speaking to an audience of CHROS and HR managers next month on Attracting, Engaging and Retaining a New Generation of Workers.

As an apex, not for profit DMAasia ( aka DMAi), since 1992, brings about collective action for advancing & protecting responsible Data Driven Marketing and Advertising. As the key to making marketing relevant and provide sustained customer engagement DMAi advocates for creating industry standards for ethical conduct and effective self-regulation of the Data driven, Marketing & Advertising community. DMAasia is also co-founder of the International Federation of DMA’s and global alliance of DMA's.
The DMAasia, in recent times, has successfully conducted four annual global conventions drawing participation from over 125 corporations from India & afar.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sheroes Noida and Gurgaon Community Meetup

Honored to Speak to and Inspire Sheroes Community for both Noida and Gurgaon. It was Fun and Engaging to speak to Women from vast fields and Inspire them by sharing my own Career journey and experience with Social Media.
I can be contacted at @rucsb on twitter.
It was interesting to listen to Devpriya at Gurgaon meetup on aspects on Personal Branding.

Honored to Serve as Advisory for HR Centre of Excellece, DMA ASIA

Honored. Got Invite to serve ‪#‎HR‬ COE of DMA Asia as Advisory Board Member . Role would be to Advise, Connect & Serve HR Community.
As an apex, not for profit DMAasia ( aka DMAi), since 1992, brings about collective action for advancing & protecting responsible Data Driven Marketing and Advertising. As the key to making marketing relevant and provide sustained customer engagement DMAi advocates for creating industry standards for ethical conduct and effective self-regulation of the Data driven, Marketing & Advertising community. DMAasia is also co-founder of the International Federation of DMA’s and global alliance of DMA's.
The DMAasia, in recent times, has successfully conducted four annual global conventions drawing participation from over 125 corporations from India & afar.

As a platform for motivation, the DMAasia has established a credible Awards & Recognition program with industry participation. The DMAasia Awards instituted in alliance with the DMA International ECHO Awards aim at providing global recognition for response driven and result oriented marketing. The Hall of Fame awards felicitates individuals with lifetime awards for their noteworthy contribution. The other DMAasia programs in its third year are the DMAasia Knights and the Marketer of the Year. DMAi has added two new programs The CMO Choice Awards and the Marketing Innovation Awards in 2015. On the anvil is an all new program around internal communication excellence.
DMAasia also sets stage for learning opportunities & intra vertical networking forums like-Day Learning Events called Masterclasses, peer to peer networking forums like the UNWIND, the CxO Roundtables, breakfast briefings and CxO off-sites.D, the CxO Roundtables, breakfast briefings and CxO off-sites.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Focus for 2016

Pic Credits - Ruchi Bhatia, at Pushkar, Rajasthan on 3 Jan 2016.

If you want to learn how to make your New Year Resolutions stick, Follow a psychologist's secrets 
I know, I will focus my energy on following -

  • #Writing a Book on #Telecommuting 
  • Getting Featured in Worldwide HR , SHRM #Influencers List , 
  • #Speaking Engagements on Gender and Diversity, Social Media and HR ,  
  • #Advocacy to raise #awareness about #Mental #Health . Poor Mental Health costs Corporates several billion dollars . According to a study, In India 42% of the Executives are Depressed , 
  •  #100BooksPactReading new Authors for Healthy Mind.
  • #Travel to New places to experience and learn 
  • #Work Hard and Smart and Earn Promotion at Workplace ( IBM ) 
  • Daily Walk at Park after work for healthy body. 
  • Daily Reflection & Introspection at Night for Healthy Spirit 
  • Meeting New and Interesting People

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