
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Tale of Two Tweets


On Dec 19 , after reading an article by  John Rampton, Why most colleges dont teach Internet Marketing , I tweeted & copied Coursera Founder , Prof Andrew Ng , whose lecture I attended at one of the IBM Education conference. 

.@johnrampton great write up. The solution is to offer #DigitalMarketing as a #MOOC http://t.co/B6FYRQV083 cc @AndrewYNg #education Dec 19, 2014

Exactly, within 15 days , I received a revert from Vishal Sachdev, Director @ Univ of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, that solution I proposed has been implemented.

RT @vishalsachdev: @rucsb Solution implemented @uiucbusiness and @coursera https://t.co/c6Z2Xj3bq5 cc @johnrampton @AndrewYNg Jan 04, 2015 


Such is the power of internet, when information flows freely without boundaries of hierarchy or power.

Reminds me of New clue From Cluetrain Manifesto ( Source- Doc Searls and David Weinberger)  - On the Net, we are the medium. We are the ones who move messages. We do so every time we post or retweet, send a link in an email, or post it on a social network.

Digital Marketing course starts in April 2015, for all those who care about Digital and Marketing stuff.

Image Source http://netdna.webdesignerdepot.com/uploads/2008/12/cluetrain.jpg

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