- On the journey of life, you will meet many fellow co-travellers who will make the treacherous journey seem easy & be your friends for life. Know how to identify them.
- We all travel together but it is the solo inward journey you make that count most.
- During Moments of solitude you will question about your beliefs, values, priorities and ponder about Identity, Ego, Love, Life, Sex and God
- Goals and dreams are supposed to motivate you to get into action. At times you will run, walk, follow, lead or simply, take a pause to smell the roses and enjoy the view. Believe in beauty of goals and dreams.
- You will feel inspired with deeds of good people and noble spirits. Your heart will be filled with gratitude and love for such souls. Be grateful for such people and experiences.
- A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. There will be many moments when you feel like singing even when no one is listening because you will be overfilled with so much joy and love .
- Small consistent steps count and random acts of kindness will make you a truly noble human being. At certain stage in Life, You wont act to impress others but for yourself , to scale the internal heights and touch the depths that you have set out for yourself.
- Keep stretching the limits. No one but you tell yourself what you can or can not achieve.
- People will judge you despite all the good intentions. Don’t take them seriously who are quick to jump to conclusions.
- Narratives matter. Don’t let anybody else define you. Make your Life story worthy of being told over and over, a million times.
- Create a quality of mind which provides a Zen like state irrespective of situations, surroundings or people. That will be your bliss.
- Some People will hurt you and some people will love you . Don’t stop believing in Love. Learn to forgive. For some people don’t hurt you deliberately, the fight is with their own demons. Be forgiving and kind to people who hurt you.
- Let your internal compass be the guide. You will know which bridges to cross and which to burn.
- Pray. Prayers work wonders.
- Sing, Love, Dance, Eat, Pray, Walk, Run, Get going. Chase your dreams. Dreams often come true.
My Journey into the World of Human Resources ( @rucsb) Talent, Learning, Recruitment, Branding, Social Media, Digital HR, Social Business, Digital Transformation
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Roads Less Travelled
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Open Educational Resources for HR professionals
offered by Coursera, Udacity , EdEx have gained much popularity over last few
months. Corporations have started to experiment with MOOCs
for skill development and as a low cost innovative solution to
manage learning needs of the employees at large scale . When it comes to
Open Online Educational Resources , HR Professionals need not look far for
their own professional development. Through this blogpost, I share some of the useful
OER for HR
- IndiaHRChat – Hosted by Dr Tanvi Gautam every month. #IndiaHRchat is a monthly twitter chat aimed at creating conversation with/for the Indian HR community. Every month a guest is invited as Expert and a chat discussion follows for an hour on a predetermined HR topic . Insightful knowledge nuggets get generated in real time during chat discussion. As the saying goes, The smartest person in the room is the room , IndiaHRChat is a demonstration of collective intelligence & represents true power of a community. Dr Tanvi Gautam has wider network and interviews experts across the globe & share insights through Podcasts which are my absolute favorite. Hashtag #IndiaHRchat
2. IndiaHRLive – Hosted by Nisha Raghavan . IndiaHRLive is a live TV for HR professionals. Nisha interviews HR & Industry experts every week . You are likely to meet key HR & Industry experts and get to hear them live. Hashtag #IndiaHRLive
3. Gautam Ghosh Blog – Gautam Ghosh has earned reputation as a Thought Leader in Social HR . His blog is a great resource to stay current on various aspects of Talent, HR and Design of Open Transparent Organizations. Gautam curates and highlights interesting HR initiatives through his blog posts and shares his insights on HR trends & initiatives across the industry through his blog.
4. CiteHR Community – Hosted by Nabomita Mazumdar , offers real world insights through collective professional intelligence on Human Resources. Do you have a question, problem or a situation in the field of HR you are grappling with, chances are your questions would have already been answered on CiteHR , or you will find several HR professionals coming to your rescue to provide solutions to your problems or specific situation. HR members openly share their knowledge and experience. I Thank Nabomita for tagging me sometimes to engaging & interesting HR discussions happening on the forum.
5. Abhijit Bhaduri Blog – Abhijit Bhaduri is the author of 3 books & Chief Learning Officer at Wipro. He writes interesting blog on variety of HR , business and current topics. Abhijit writings are influential , not just limited to HR , and is reflective of wide range of interests across Movies, Books, Music . Abhijit is queit selective in what he tweets. I am appreciative of Abhijit ‘s twitter curations too.
6. Meghan M Brio Blog – . Meghan writes a popular HR blog on Forbes. Meghan through her writings cover leadership, career, HR tech and social enterprise .
7. Luis Suarez Blog – Professionals who have a deep interest in KM, Social & Open Business, Social Learning, Enterprise 2.0 may already know Luis. He is a popular and well known Thought Leader on Social Media . He writes an interesting blog which covers aspects of Collaboration, Knowledge work, Communities, Social Learning and Open & Transparent Business .Luis and I have worked together for a brief period of time on Social media adoption across the enterprise and I have picked his brains a lot while working together on the key initiative. I look for opportunities to work with him as there is a lot to learn about Communities, Collaboration, and Open Business and Changing nature of work from him . Few years back, I had my first novel experience of participating in online sessions organized by Luis where hundreds of global IBMers participate and exchange in online knowledge exchange in real time ( similar to twitter chat discussions). Luis shares his deep knowledge & expertise through his blog regularly.
8. Jane Hart Blog – A must for all Learning & Development professionals to learn concepts of PKM ( Personal Knolwdge Management) and emerging Learning Frameworks.
9. Khalid Raza Blog –Khalid is a dear friend and colleague at IBM. He shares his experience, observation, opinion along with practical tips and advice on social media through his blog Social Glamor. I & Khalid worked together to conceptualize initial framework for India HR Hub – A community for India HR professionals @ IBM India. Khalid is involved with Social HR Programs and initiatives at IBM. He knows how to keep the audience engaged and make online communities work. I look for opportunities to work with Khalid as work is fun and engaging with him.
10. Dr Lynda Gratton Blog – I revere Dr Lynda Gratton’s work for her insights, strategic HR trends , studies on organizational behaviour & research on Future of work.
For guidance on Who to Follow on Social Media , refer to SHRM list or Top 30 HR, Recruitment and Social Media Industry Professionals to Follow on Twitter , a list curated by Kunjal Kamdaar.
Which HR people you follow & learn from on Social Media ?
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