
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

As One - Individual Action, Collective Power

I like getAbstract very much. I am a bookaholic , however, now since so much of information is available in digital format, I probably , wont be able to read all the books that I may like to read in a specific timeframe. That's where getAbstract is very valuable, I can get keytakeaways from as many books as I like. :-)This one caught my attention and I would like to share about Individual Action & Collective Power. Organizations are likely to fail when they suffer a “disconnect” between leadership styles and strategic goals – and between prevailing and preferred ways of working. For people to reach their full potential, leaders and followers need to work as a collective – a single organism united for a common purpose. Examples from politics, business and the not-for-profi t sector suggest eight models or archetypes of collective leadership. Spanning command-and-control and laissez-faire leadership formats – and hybrids of the two – these models provide a taxonomy for “As One” behaviors . Key takeaways from this book by by Mehrdad Baghai and James Quigley ( Deliotte Global CEO)

• Leaders and followers should work “as one” – in a unit – to solve problems.
• Eight archetypes describe successful leader-follower relationships:
• “Landlord and tenants”: The leader controls a resource others want.
• “Community organizer and volunteers”: In a reversal of power, leaders inspire, but
followers set the agenda and act.
• “Conductor and orchestra”: A leader sets rules; followers offer their “personal best.”
• “Producer and creative team”: The organization gives a team of experts and
innovators the resources and the creative freedom to meet the producer’s goals.
• “General and soldiers”: The leader’s “mission” – and the followers’ sense of security
– depends on clarity, hierarchy, and command and control.
• “Architects and builders”: Architects ask a team of diverse but interdependent
builders to bring their blueprint to life in clearly defi ned stages.
• “Captain and sports team”: Captains inform the team and help it adapt to change.
• “Senator and citizens”: Like-minded people work together as a community, choosing
to observe the same “constitution.” Their leader is a mentor, not a dictator.

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