
Monday, August 19, 2013

Demographic Dividend or Demographic Disaster

1. India's future growth depend on supply of skilled workers .  Can India can achieve target of upskilling 500 Million workers by 2022 ?
2. Acc to a research , 80% of the workforce in urban and rural areas does not possess any identifiable marketable skills . What can be done to change this situation ?

3. Employability of graduates coming out of our educational system is becoming a matter of great concern. Only 25 % of graduates are employable. What steps Educational institutions  need to take to churn out graduates with employable skillset ?

4. Are some of Educational institutions often out of touch with the needs of the industry, producing graduates with skills that are outdated or irrelevant ? What more needs to be done to change the situation and  strengthen Industry Academia partnership ?

5. Innovation is critical to create qualified, specialized and global talent pool that will fuel needs of Industry. What role can Corporates play to experiment new ways of creating, developing and maintaining talent ? 

India Story in last decade

 The "India Story" of the last decade is marked by significant political, economic, and social developments that have shaped the n...