
Monday, February 25, 2013

Where did you get all this Wisdom ?

I came across this brilliant story from one of the HCM Consultant in my network I really admire. sharing with blog readers.

A fox, a wolf, and a bear went hunting, and each captured a deer.   A discussion followed about how they should divide the spoils.
The bear asked the wolf how he thought it should be done.  The wolf answered, “That’s simple.  Each of us should get one deer.”
As soon as the wolf was done speaking, the bear ate him.
Then the bear asked how the fox proposed to divvy up the spoils.  The fox offered his deer to the bear and suggested that the bear take the wolf’s as well.
“Where did you get such wisdom?” asked the bear.
“From the wolf,” replied the fox.

“The Difference Maker” by John C. Maxwell 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Which world is real ?

Saw this ad on FB. Brilliant marketing by Lifebuoy.( Hindustan Unilever ) .
I found , the Facts highlighted at the end of the video , a little disheartening.
"We the People " who live in metro cities or online  eg Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin are disconnected from The problems of  "Rural ( Real)  India" 

India Story in last decade

 The "India Story" of the last decade is marked by significant political, economic, and social developments that have shaped the n...